Thanks Fix crash on opening a file picker when running elevated (This was a hotfix for 0.69). Thanks Fixes in the UI command bar (This was a hotfix for 0.69). Specify minimum size / position values for the UI (This was a hotfix for 0.69).Added a missing character to the Welsh language.Currently accessible only through manipulating the settings file directly. Thanks Added code to the Shell plugin to use Windows Terminal. Add a plugin to start other PowerToys.Thanks who drove the effort! Many thanks for all the contributors who made it possible: and Run Thanks Added some shortcuts for screen navigation. Thanks Added a setting to set a custom sized window.

Thanks Mouse Jump Quality of Life improvements. Thanks Awake Quality of Life improvements. Thanks Registry preview Quality of Life improvements. New utility: Peek is a utility that shows a quick preview of files selected in File Explorer when you press a shortcut ( Ctrl+ Space by default).Thanks and the rest of the contributors from the Microsoft Garage! NET 7 and made a few small adjustments to fit inside the PowerToys model. New utility: Mouse Without Borders enables you to interact with other computers from the same keyboard and mouse and share clipboard and files between the machines.